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Videos with John Ruskan
These classic videos were recorded in 1995 as part of a public access cable TV show. John speaks extemporaneously about various aspects of the Emotional Clearing Process. Though dated in appearance, the content is as valid today as then.


Working On Yourself



Feeling-Oriented Spirituality




Direct Experience




Alpha-State Trance




Opening To Feeling







Breath and Body Work








Opening to the Negative




Emotional Karma






Counseling Sessions

The videos below are actual telephone counseling sessions edited down to around 30 minutes from the original 75 minute length. In order to protect the identity of the client, you hear only John's voice; however, it is possible to discern the essence of the interaction, and even to experience a resonance with the work if you open to it. The feelings discussed are common to all of us, and John's directions can be taken in and applied to your own process.

Sessions usually begin with some left-brain dialoguing, in which John offers feedback and guidance. The session then shifts to a right-brain emphasis - by far the most important part of the session - in which the client enters an alpha-state, feeling-oriented, process mode. It's common for traumatic memories, buried feelings, and even past-life recall to spontaneously emerge.

John applies the process to each session and person in a spontaneous, individualized way, according to what is needed. The five steps of the process are all being used, but there may not be a rigid, sequential, cookie-cutter application. If you are a therapist seeking to become more familiar with the work, also note that only a limited representation of ECP Facilitator skills are generally being used in each session, as appropriate.



Power Struggle








Relationship Hope




Blame and Childhood Trauma